New Bedford Academy is providing healthy meals and offerings that meet the USDA Healthier, Hunger-Free Act 2010These offerings will enhance a child's academic and physical performance and address childhood obesity issues. This school year brings more USDA guidelines for even healthier meals and offerings for your children. The Smart Snacks in School, USDA's "All Foods Sold in Schools" Standards was effective July 1, 2014. This new guideline impacts all food sold on school property from midnight until 30 minutes after the school day has ended. The USDA School Meals Nutrition Standards require that a variety of low-fat unflavored milk or fat-free flavored milk be offered, all grains must be at least 51% whole grain-rich, and students must take at least 1/2 cup of fruit or vegetable with breakfast and lunch. Meals also must meet calorie, fat, sodium, and sugar guidelines. Below are links to the School Meal Nutrition Standards, Smart Snacks in Schools, and regulations ad the food calculator we use to make sure food and beverage items meet the Nutrition Guidelines.